Accidents & Personal Injury, Bozeman Lawyers
Golf ball sized hail hit Butte, Montana two days ago causing massive damage to property. Check out the picture in this Montana Standard article, which measures the size of the hail that landed in a Butte resident’s yard. The article can be found here.
Bozeman Lawyers, Supreme Court
Read the NY Times article here.
Bozeman Lawyers, Criminal Law
Bernard L. Madoff was sentenced in federal court today to 150 years in prison for his Ponzi Scheme that went south along with the economy. Bloomberg has reported that Montanan investors have lost at least $18 million by unwittingly investing in Madoff’s...
Bozeman Lawyers, Montana Law
One of the most interesting bills to be passed into law this legislative term is Montana’s new gun and self defense law House Bill 228. Although HB 228 is notable for its provisions regarding firearms, it is also notable for the way in which it changed the...
Bozeman Lawyers, Montana Law
The purpose of this blog is to provide informative commentary about current events (and sometimes not so current events) in Montana law. Feel free to leave comments regarding the topics it covers and suggestions for future commentary. We hope this blog will attract...